Tuesday, April 25, 2006

9. More improvements, and some rebuttal . . .

I have to mention that I got our taxes out the door on Friday! (hallelujah chorus). I certainly felt more mentally and emotionally able to tackle our taxes than in previous years. I don't know if the mercury removal did that, but I sure feel more mentally alert, more "crisp" and less foggy.

When it comes to the actual physical aspects of my health, THAT'S easier to prove:

The latest thing I've noticed is less light-headedness when I do the "half moon" pose in yoga. This is where we stand tall with our hands clasped above our heads in the steeple formation and, squeezing our leg muscles and buttocks we lean to one side in the shape of a 1/2 moon (sort of) and hold the pose for several seconds. I used to have to lower one hand because my breath was panting and I thought I might faint if I didn't lower a hand on my waist. Now I hold the pose as long as I want. I wonder if my blood pressure has improved? I'll check it out and let you know.

Another improved pose is the "pigeon". We're sitting straight up on the floor with one knee pointing forward and one leg straight out behind us. Our hands are on the floor on either side of our front knee. To get a good back stretch/bend in that pose, we have the option of clasping our hands behind our backs and lifting our torso higher while grounding our tail bone deeper. It's a bit of a balancing pose and that's why I could never do it. But today, I did it! - with both sides for as long as I wanted!!

I haven't noticed any improvement in my balance with standing poses yet. I have that to look forward to and I believe it will eventually improve.

On another note:

Unfortunately, there was a news report this past week on the subject of children and mercury fillings. The studies cited were supposedly showing that mercury was still alright to use as dental filling material. Can you believe that! (It just goes to show; one thing we learn by studying history is that we don't learn anything by studying history.)

Here's what I have to say in response to that report:

My children are NEVER getting any more amalgam fillings (the ones they had were in their baby teeth and are gone now. And my grandchildren will never get any mercury fillings. I will also encourage my son's future wife to have any mercury amalgams removed properly before they even think about conceiving and if that's not possible, I will encourage her to not have any mercury put in or removed while pregnant or gestating.

The studies talked about in these latest articles were done over a 5 - 7 year period and I think they are ignoring the long term effects of mercury accumulation in the body. The New England trial followed 534 children who were randomly assigned fillings containing either mercury or a resin composite. That means the unfortunate 265 received the mercury fillings.

The same thing happened in Lisbon, Portugal. They chose (maybe half?) out of 507 children ages eight to 10 to receive either mercury-based fillings or resin-based fillings. They were followed for seven years and the researchers reported no measurable differences between the treatment groups. I wonder what they were measuring?

The New England study found significantly higher mean urine mercury levels in the amalgam group but, and I quote, "the increased mercury exposure was still 'well within established background population levels' said one doctor". Was he saying that the background population has acceptable levels that have been established? Um, but --------- NO LEVEL OF MERCURY IS SAFE!

They did find that urine levels of mercury were found to be higher in the group that received mercury fillings. Actually, that's a lot of mercury when NO LEVEL OF MERCURY IS SAFE!

Some one pointed out that the urinary concentrations "leveled off to approximately 1.0?g/g over time" and averages were well within normal background levels. I wonder, what are the "normal background levels"? MERCURY IS TOXIC, SO WE ARE NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO TOUCH IT - WHAT ARE WE DOING WITH IT IN OUR MOUTHS?

One doctor said that there is no reason to discontinue use of mercury amalgam as the standard of care for caries in posterior teeth. This is ABSURD! Parents, please hear this: MERCURY IS MANY TIMES MORE DANGEROUS THAN EVEN ARSENIC OR LEAD.


I know I'm repeating myself, but remember that in 1991 Sweden declared mercury amalgam TOXIC and unsuitable for use. And in 1992 Germany, Norway and Great Britain stopped allowing the use of mercury fillings in pregnant women. In 2001 California introduced a bill to eliminate all mercury for use in teeth by 2006.

Here's a quote from the article: "Chief limitations of the studies were that they can not detect the effects of toxic exposure that may occur later in life, and they were not statistically powered to detect subtle effects that may have occurred in vulnerable subgroups, such as those with a genetic vulnerability to mercury poisoning,"

It seems to me that every human being IS VULNERABLE TO POISONS LIKE LEAD, ARSENIC AND MERCURY.

More quotes from the article: "Given the numbers of children exposed to dental amalgam, it is critical that further rigorous studies examine the molecular effects of the toxicant at appropriate doses (APPROPRIATE DOSES OF TOXICANTS?), measure exposure as precisely as possible, and explore the important question of vulnerability factors," Dr. Needleman said. (FINALLY, A RAY OF HOPE!) "It is predictable that some outside interests will expand the modest conclusions of these studies to assert that use of mercury amalgam in dentistry is risk free," he cautioned. "This conclusion would be unfortunate and unscientific."

I agree completely with this man - it would definitely be unfortunate and unscientific for anyone to feel good about putting mercury into childrens' - or anyone's - mouths!

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