Sunday, August 12, 2012

24. MS or Mercury Poisoning; what's the diff?

August 12, 2012

Hi again, I had written a good many paragraphs on the subject of MS and Mercury Poisoning one night on my bed (when I couldn't sleep) - with my ipad, amazingly. But I was not familiar enough with how the ipad works when you switch from one window to another and somehow I lost all I had written (waaa!).

Anyway in the meantime, I had a nice holiday traveling to Michigan to the wedding ceremony of my son and his lovely wife. Following that, my daughter and I continued on to Ontario to see relatives and stay for a few days at a beautiful cottage in beautiful Muskoka.

In the meantime, I'd forgotten what I had put in this "ghost post", but it had to do with the association between MS and Mercury Poisoning. I'd read an article about natives living in the more northern regions of Canada and their problems with mercury poisoning due to the large amounts of fish they consume. And as people were describing their problems it sounded very similar to many of the problems I'd been dealing with in my life. That got me doing some research.

There are a number of interesting and astonishing articles online about this subject ... and apparently Hal A. Huggins DDS, MS, is one doctor who has been teaching around the US and the world trying to convince dentistry to stop the use of mercury in fillings ( - LOTS of good info there).

Seems the best way around all of this trouble is to not get any fillings in our teeth, EVER! So eat healthy from childhood, keep fit, stay away from pre-prepared packaged foods and take cod liver oil as a preventive measure. (as I mentioned before I take a fermented cod liver oil)

Personal stories:

Again, the GOOD NEWS is that our bodies can recover and heal themselves - IF we give them the opportunity with:

•  proper environment,
•  proper foods,
•  proper thinking
•  enough exercise and
•  a little time.

It doesn't take a long time to get sick but it does take a long time to recover - so if you're doing it naturally, have patience; next year you'll be better and the following year you'll be even better and the following year better yet!
Painting/drawing or making any kind of art gives me a lot of peace and contentment. Here's a little oil pastel I made at the cottage this year: (my art website is "" if you're interested in seeing more of my art)

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