Saturday, June 09, 2012

21. June 9th

Well, I in January I saw the documentary "Forks Over Knives", ordered 4 copies with books and then lent them out to whoever wanted one. While watching the program I was overjoyed to see that there is PROOF that an increase in chronic degenerative diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity (yes, that's a disease too), osteoporosis, MS, etc., etc., etc., can all be correlated to the increase in animal product consumption.

The reason I was so glad to know that is because for the last 5 years, I've been living an almost totally animal product-less diet, and there was a nagging suspicion in the back of my mind that I wasn't perhaps getting enough protein (with public media the way it is, no wonder, eh?). BUT NOW I can rest assured that vegetable protein and plant-based-protein ARE sufficient sources of protein.

I've decided to get my blood tested this week so I can make sure that I'm not missing out on any essential nutrients/vitamins etc. I'll post again as soon as I find out.

I'm also having a saliva test done to find any hormonal balance or imbalance. At this point I've already eliminated a lot of external toxins (like mercury, chlorinated and unfiltered water, meat products, allergens like milk and wheat, and unrefined sugar) so the test results should be interesting. There are always some toxins we can't avoid, but I think a stronger, healthier, cleaner body can handle those.

I have a rant coming up about our responsibility towards health education and the current abuse of the "health-care system" up here in Canada but my main desire is to free up the hospitals and emergency services to be able to help those people who truly cannot help themselves.

We can all live healthier and happier lives if we first know that it's possible and then secondly put some effort into it.

Please buy and watch "Forks Over Knives" and lend it to your friends.

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