Wednesday, October 31, 2012

25. A great find ... Dr. Terry Wahls

Here's a Ted Talk with the story of Dr. Terry Wahls (MD) and her recovery from debilitating MS, the process and a more scientific look at why MS happens and how to "fix" it - yay! She has a website with all kinds of info.

On one of her talks, she mentions how long the process can be for overcoming different symptoms - 5 years for some, 10 years for others. That actually was encouraging to me because it's been quite a few years since I started recovering. Now I have information to help me continue my recovery process!


Oh and here's the latest pic I have of me ... getting better all the time ... but now with info from the above source, I'm going to find out how to overcome the last few lingering problems in my body: ie. digestion and balance and rosacea - along with faith and prayer - I'm on a mission ...

with love and prayers - and no doubt that you can recover from a chronic degenerative disease if you so desire,


Fall 2012