The good news for me this past year (2011) was that both my kids got engaged and one was already married in September. Here's a pic of me and my daughter (Christel) on a memorable date: 9/10/11 (September 10th, 2011)
I wanted to make another post today about getting massages because they have made such a difference to my health at this point in time.
I had learned in 2007 through my hps-online.com cleansing site that massages were of benefit to general good health and so I started having them that many years ago. BUT I had never had them more often than once a month because they were so expensive (except during my 7 day long cleanses when I had two in one week) AND had also never requested any sustained focus on my legs.
About 2 months ago I signed up to get massages from a local massage school and I didn't expect too much from it because these were fresh students just learning about massages. I mean, who doesn't believe that more experience brings greater effectiveness, right?
Well, the arrangement with the school, meant I was getting a massage once a week and I decided to ask them to work only on my legs; so they did. And just that already appeared to help me with the everyday walking activities I had to do. But there was another "trick" they had up their sleeves and this was a type of "sacral release". The masseuse put her palm underneath my sacrum and just left it there for 5 - 10 minutes as I was laying on my back. She said she could feel the muscles around the sacrum releasing as her hand was there.
After the massage I felt less discomfort in my lower back and on top of it I was able to lift my right knee higher than I normally could before. The next day in my yoga class I noticed too that I was able to do some leg lifts on my back with bent knees much more easily and with less back pain than before.
So now I do this for myself at home, and after several experiments I now use a small piece of towel/facecloth folded up into a small soft square, and then I place it under my sacrum as I'm laying on my carpet. It takes me a while to get it positioned properly but once I have it where it's comfy, I stay there about 10 minutes.
And I did it this morning at my yoga class too - I used my small pair of socks, folded twice and put them under my sacrum during the meditation period at the end of class (our teacher makes that about 7 minutes long).
This is helping me a lot, so I thought since it's fairly cheap and effortless, others might want to try it too.
Remember, better health won't come your way if you are not willing to put some effort into.
If I thought really sick people would listen to me I'd tell them to:
1. stop consuming wheat and dairy
2. stop eating sugar
3. start eating/drinking lots of fruit and vegetables
4. start taking fermented cod liver oil for strong teeth and bones
5. get their mercury fillings replaced
6. start occasional juice fasting with GUIDED colon cleansing (don't do it without experienced advisors) (I do it now about twice a year)
7. start taking decent multiple vitamins
8. maintain a regular exercise regime
9. pray
It IS possible to live a healthier and happier life! Things can get better and better and better!
By the way, I don't know if I've ever mentioned, but since I started getting healthier I've rekindled my love of making art and started painting. Please take a look: www.dorothealeblanc.ca