I can see that the squeaky wheel gets the grease ... and since my health is less and less of an issue, I'm posting here less often.
I'm still participating in the cleansing program that I started 2 years ago in June and it's helped my health to get better and better and better. If anyone wants more info on that they can go to http://www.hps-online.com
I thought I'd post some comparison pictures
First is a photo of me in April of 2006

Then a photo from June 2007

Then a photo from August 2009

I'm quite happy with my regimen nowadays (as far as exercise, eating, peri-menopause, bms, etc.,) ... not everything about my health is perfect ... but everything has tremendously improved. And best of all - my energy levels are way up and I've been painting on a regular basis. (I went to four years of art school at the University of Guelph and graduated in 1980, but I didn't do a lot of art work after that … until now). You can see the first of my works after the improvement in my health, along with some old ones, on this new web site (which is still being modified):
Well, it's bye again for now.
I wish everyone a healthier and happier life - it's possible to change your situation. No one has to live with chronic degenerative diseases.
All - understatement of the year - I did was:
1. got rid of my mercury fillings (see my previous entries on that)
2. eliminated wheat and dairy from my diet (it was really hard at first, but a whole world of amazing foods was awaiting me when I did that - I actually began to LOVE and even crave fruits and vegetables - imagine that!)
3. eliminated refined sugar from my diet (there are a lot of natural alternatives, and then there's the wonderful stevia (a sweetener made from a plant - I grew it once in my garden and the leaves are so sweet to eat) I buy it in powdered form (get the pure stuff, it's not bitter)
4. eliminated beef and pork from my diet (fish, chicken, lamb are ok - preferably free run and in small doses)
5. limited packaged food items (most of it contains wheat and sugar anyway)
6. continue to drink lots of good water (that should be up near the top of the list)
7. got into a colon cleansing habit (I found a thorough program and it worked wonders for me!)
8. continued to get exercise ... I learned about proper posture and muscle control (it helped especially since I had lost some ability to feel, and I had to teach my muscles to do what they were supposed to do without teaching).
9. there's more, but I wouldn't want you to be overwhelmed!
I did all this over a period of about 4 years ... one bit at a time. Some of you may know that I cried to God for help - that always works. God sent information my way and I chose to do something with it. I had some help from naturopaths and TCM practioners (Traditional Chinese Medical practitioners), but I was desperate and sometimes doing all of the above is what it takes.
Blessings and much love,